President's Message

Dear Valued Community Member,

As President of the Hawthorne POA, and on behalf of our entire membership, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support of our cause. It’s because of community members such as yourself that we chose to pursue a career in law enforcement in the first place.

The Hawthorne POA consists of brave men and women who took an oath to maintain law and order, as well as represent the finest element of our community. You can rest easy knowing that day in and day out, we are working diligently to build a safe and prosperous environment for everyone to enjoy, especially our children.

We are constantly making strides to ensure that we are able to keep up with this fast-paced, ever-changing world that we are currently living in, especially when it comes to technology. It is because of this that we decided to create a new, interactive website in the hope that it will create an atmosphere of transparency and communication. Our ultimate goal is that it will lead to a more robust relationship between our officers and the community as a whole.

By playing an active role in the community and supporting all those who share our dream of a better tomorrow, we truly feel that we can make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of everyone around us. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the great city of Hawthorne. Thank you again for your interest and support of our organization. May you and your loved ones stay safe, happy, and healthy in the years to come.

Best Regards,

Michael Matson

Michael Matson, Hawthorne POA President